“I was a participant in one of Jim Greiner’s programs at the Center for Creative Leadership – the premier institute for leadership. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences I’ve ever had!

Leaders need to be in tune with the pulse beats of their people, bring them together and work with them to develop synchronization and a rhythm.

Jim’s program caused a transformation to take place. He imparts great wisdom to others, and provides an experience that has meaning and worth. Several years later, my clients are still talking about Jim’s program. It had a searing impact on mind and spirit.”

– President, Visionary Strategic Consulting, and The Alternate Board Facilitator


Thank you Robert… I could not have described Leadership better myself!

The pulse of the group, it’s rhythm, is the fundamental way in which the group members perform their individual jobs, as well as the process in place that determines how they interact with each other on both a daily basis, and when responding to challenges.

Effective group leaders know the rhythms of their people and of the group… what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what to expect from them. With this knowledge, and with the realization of the importance of this knowledge, leaders are able to reinforce positive habits (productive rhythms) and help their group members to change bad habits into good habits.

Group leaders are like orchestra conductors who bring all the individual musicians and their instruments together to make beautiful music!